Laziness is a Sin. Live on Purpose



Have you ever wondered why you’re so good in mathematics? Highly artistic and intuitive? Or so curious and intelligent?

Have you ever wondered why you find it so easy to interact with people and influence them to take decisions meanwhile your close friend is pretty timid and can hardly initiate or hold a conversation?

Have you ever wondered why you detest disorderliness and would rather take the pain to get things organized and well done?

Have you ever wondered why coming up with (legal) money making ideas come so easily to you while your hardworking, intelligent friends struggle at it?

Have you ever wondered why your kidneys and lungs are still functioning properly while someone your age somewhere is on life support?

Have you ever wondered why you’re still alive and not on a sick bed or six feet under?

“There is something only you can give and without it, someone is being disallowed a healing, a laugh, an uplift to a better quality of life.”

– Asha Tyson (How I Retired at 26)

Being alive is a gift, a favor that cannot be returned. However, the best attempt at returning the favor would be your ability to exude gratitude in your way of life.

When you choose to spend your life being idle and of little use to yourself and others, you are exhibiting one of the greatest forms of ingratitude.

A man can labor for years… on the wrong thing, knowing fully well that his gifts exist to be utilized for a greater cause. He works… 40 hours a week, not less than 200 days a year yet even in the day the nightmare of an unfulfilled end keeps him from attaining that blissful feeling he truly desires.

The “living on purpose” journey seems too hard and uncertain, he’d rather live the easy way… “The way of the crowd”. He is a lazy man in denial.

Why are you alive?

Why were you created?

What is your purpose on earth?!

“I don’t care about purpose I just wanna make money and get filthy rich!”

Many are rich and famous but much later in life they start wincing against the pains of regret, their inner selves begin calling out to them, their conscience constantly questioning… “Is this all there is to living?”

A man can have multiple sources of income and enjoy many of the great luxuries of life. But that has little to do with the purpose of his existence.

Your purpose is that thing you have been “customized” for, that thing you have been given a special ability to accomplish, that thing that only you have been equipped to give, to share, to contribute.

Your purpose is why you were created; the reason why you are where you are at the moment, your reason for being alive.

When you spend your life chasing after status symbols or trying to fit in a particular social status, you are only wasting your time on earth.

Your wealth is of no value if you’re holding on to it so tightly, and you find it difficult to spend on a good cause or give to the ones in need.

Many have had more before you only to leave the world with nothing at all.

Your gifts and abilities exist to be utilized for the good of others. Don’t ignore them, don’t underestimate their usefulness. Don’t live your life in “idleness”. Go out and give value.

You probably think working your butt off at work to get the money, pay the bills and live in sophistication is all there is to your existence but give it some deep thought… What if there’s more?

“yo! It is my life… I can just do what I like. I really don’t care.” 

When you run a business that is fulfilling a need and then you feel you have the power to sit and do nothing because you want to. No one can make you work if you don’t want to. Think about the souls who will be denied the value you bring.

How would you feel if your favorite brand packed up and stopped production or service? If Nestle stopped producing Milo, Coca cola stopped sharing happiness through coke and MTN stopped operation because the economy has become too tough or some people just wanna “rest”?

How would you feel if you can’t get quality food stuff in the market because farmers are tired, the economy has been unfair so they just wanna “rest”?

Someone somewhere would be denied cheap, healthy breakfast because you’re feeling too lazy to stay consistent in your “roadside akara-frying” business.

Someone somewhere would be denied a better quality of life because you have chosen to let laziness rule in your business and now produce or sell inferior products or services.

Sometimes we think we’re doing it for the money but really, if you would give it a deep thought, the value you give by doing your business right, goes way beyond whatever is being paid in return by your customers. Your ability to just show up daily and make things happen is phenomenal and in that, really, lays your great purpose.

It takes great discipline, passion, commitment and grace to consistently provide great value. It takes purpose to do it right all the time.

We tend to think of purpose as some grand idea or grand accomplishment but no, sometimes it is just you going about daily, doing the little things you can to make a significant difference in people’s lives.

The end result of a life lived on purpose is fulfillment.

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