Time is The Teacher

We usually say experience is the best teacher when really, TIME is the teacher. It is Time that makes experience valuable…

Your experiences tend to reveal different insights and lessons over the years. As you grow older and reflect on them, you tend to discover new meanings and insights sometimes, based on subsequent experiences.

When we meet someone new, there’s usually this euphoria we experience especially when we’re just getting to know them. People tend to be their nicest, their happiest and most amazing self in this phase.

The conversations, the hangouts, the hopes and aspirations for what can become of that new encounter makes it all so beautiful. And even when it’s not so much on a high note, there’s still a bit of curiosity and excitement about what may become of that new friendship/ acquaintance.

However, I have learned mostly from observation that sometimes we need to be a lil’ more patient or calm about our expectations. We need to low down a bit on the adrenaline rush that comes with new encounters.

People reveal their true selves over time. Not because they were hiding anything specifically but because in time, situations will arise that will do a better job of helping you discover who they can really be.

  • How do they act when offended?
  • Are they trustworthy or reliable?
  • Are they compatible for work or project collaborations?
  • Are they vibe killers or hardcore motivators?
  • Do they have a fixed mindset or are open to learning and growing?

These are not questions you can answer on the spot. You will have to learn from experience— experience that will only show up in due TIME.

Many have made the mistake of trusting too early and going hard on friendship too soon only to get burned in the end.

  • Give people space to reveal themselves.
  • Give people space to show you who they are— not who you want them to be.
  • Give people space to desire a friendship or acquaintance with you.
  • Give people space to come to you because they want to.

And when they do?

Show them that you truly value their honesty, openness and whatever commitment they put into building something worthy of keeping with you by reciprocating in perhaps even better ways, with an even better energy.

But someone has to initiate the process. This could be you, this could be them. Making the first move isn’t really the point— setting and maintaining a meaningful pace in the evolution of that friendship is the most important part.

The right pace gives you space to review your actions and make valuable adjustments over time.

The right pace gives you the opportunity to observe your relationships and ensure you don’t end up with regrets.

At the right pace, you learn without putting too much on the line.

Should you ever throw caution into the wind and just go for it? Well, you’ll have to answer that. But be ready to take responsibility for your actions. Time is a teacher and it can also be a healer. If things ever go wrong, hopefully you will heal in time…


Olajumoke Ola.

Man’s Search for God

Man is constantly given an opportunity to search for God— to experience his neediness of Him, to discover his own awareness of Him and submit his helplessness to Him.

  • The uncertainties of life
  • The quiet moments…
  • When nothing significant is happening
  • The moments of perceived stagnation
  • The moments of setback
  • The moments of fear and anxiety
  • The moments of regret and self-condemnation
  • The moments of undeserved miracles and deep inspiration…

These are all moments when that opportunity shows up. Everyone of us carries that question somewhere in our hearts:

Could there be more to this?

Maybe there truly is.

  • Is there someone behind all these?
  • Why do I always want more?
  • Why do I feel an emptiness sometimes, like there’s a void in my heart waiting to be filled?

Maybe there truly is a void. And indeed, it is waiting to be filled. But you will have to decide when— when you want to embark on the journey…

The journey to filling that void.

Because it is a journey…

One that will last a lifetime— a lifetime of learning and unlearning; a lifetime of contemplation and reflection; a lifetime of worship and service; a lifetime of recurring peace and tranquility…

A lifetime of satisfaction and fulfilment— of bliss, of pure hope and faith. And deep down in your heart, you will know with all conviction and gratitude…

You have finally found Him.


How to Win Friends and Influence People (My Version)


Reflecting back to my childhood, I used to be the child that hosts the other kids at play and whenever the day was boring I would wonder what the other kids were doing and go all out to seek them. Back in secondary school, having held class captain roles from primary school, I remember being able to interact with every single member of my class. Be you the “biggest boy/ girl” in class or the one that thinks he/she is a nobody, we would always find a common ground to get along or mess with each other (haha!).

University (and adulthood) showed up and I had become a lot more “careful” and mindful of my associations, while that might have seemed quite boring, it taught me a lot more about life. I still had that personality but it was reserved for intentional friendship and nothing more.

Now, learning more and discovering myself: my strengths, weaknesses, passions and life principles, I have begun to explore meaningful interactions with people where I work and whenever I have the opportunity to be around people. I enjoy observing the diversity in human nature: every man/woman is unique, there is something different about everyone, therefore different strokes for different folks.

Well have you read that book by Dale Carnegie- How to Win Friends and Influence People? I have but this is not an excerpt, this is my version 🙂

How to Win Friends and Influence People Continue reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People (My Version)”

Anniversary Confessions: How I Overcame my “Fear of Writing”


My writing ability remains a miracle to behold: I basically had to pray my way into it. Fear of mediocrity (or yarning dust), perfectionism, over-reliance on self motivation that wasn’t forthcoming and so on held me back like a curse. I would include “write…” in my to-do list everyday and then end up with a blank slate- “nothing to write home about”.

All my adult life I have always had series of notebooks I carry around like a purse. There I write down random to deep thoughts that show up in my mind from time to time. I would question myself, criticize myself, and ginger myself in these notebooks.

However I noticed something… each time I went through such exercise, it was usually accompanied by some kind of serenity or fierce will that previously never existed. It elevated me from mediocrity and momentary bouts of indiscipline to excellence and diligence on several occasions most remarkably while in the university.

I would hold “motivational talks” with myself and sometimes imagine myself speaking to some imaginary audience with me seated in the front row but whenever I tried to articulate them in writing I failed.

English Language turned out to be much more difficult than I thought!

And then one day I summoned courage.

Continue reading “Anniversary Confessions: How I Overcame my “Fear of Writing””

Self-Reflection: The Path to a Better Life


I hear people say things like “Don’t take advice except its some accomplished guru telling you what to do with your life.”

But some of the most effective advice you’ll ever get are the ones that comes from within… Your conscience. Sadly people tend to run from their conscience until they hear those same words again from some accomplished guru they claim to respect or admire.

No one knows your journey better than you. No one knows your life mistakes, strengths and weaknesses better than you. It is just that we tend to ignore these things and then wait until someone else comes to validate their existence.

One way to get in touch with our conscience is by reflection…


But many run, they flee from this very act. How many people have the mind to stand face to face with the truth— the hard-core-truth— which is what our conscience presents to us?

Lessons from the Past…

One of my best accomplishments, all thanks to God, sprang up from a moment of deep, intense self-reflection even before I knew what that was: Me, alone with my thoughts, reflecting upon my then present and past circumstances.

It was back in the university, and no, I wasn’t messing around, I just wasn’t doing enough. I was a bit distracted and was taking certain things for granted.

I started out great, though not on purpose. I underestimated my abilities until I saw my first ever result… a 4.83 GPA, first semester, 100 level (first year). Along the way, I started getting comfortable and my performance started fluctuating. Still on a first class over all but I wasn’t putting in my best effort to not just maintain it but even improve upon it. At some point I consciously aimed for a 5.0 GPA per semester but then instead of hitting it I was sliding even farther behind.

It was time again for exams, second semester, 300 level (Year 3) and I set out to read in an empty lecture room (being a “people person”- interested in people either by observation or by interaction, I concentrate better studying alone than with people around me). I didn’t plan to reflect, it just happened. I found myself writing to myself on a piece of paper:

“What is wrong with you?”

Then I started listing out everything that was indeed wrong with me. In a while I was staring at my weaknesses face to face.

No, I didn’t wait for my parents or anyone to notice and then talk about it. I confronted myself.

And then it happened…

All thanks to God, I hit the 5.0 GPA in first semester 400 level! Although I encountered another realization through reflection on why it took so long to get it (I may share that in another post, someday), remember this:

You do not have to sit for hours at a motivational seminar, or spend days reading motivational books to confront the weaknesses of your life.

Sometimes we get so addicted to reading motivational stuff without really channeling the energy obtained on anything worthwhile. My own personal confrontation with myself produced one of the biggest motivations I could ever find, at that moment.

Reading motivational books and articles post-uni has helped me to improve the process of personal development and has given me more profound things to think and reflect upon. It has helped to refine my thoughts and actions and become even better at self assessment. It has helped to improve my writing skills too, to the point where I can share lessons articulately with you and I.

But all these wouldn’t mean much if I don’t make use of all the insights and skills gained to step up and  improve my life.

So my dear friend, what are you waiting for? Brian Tracy’s upcoming book on “Time Management and Productivity”? Done a pre-order yet? Or you’re waiting for your spouse or parents to notice how “slacky” you have been lately and then give you an hour’s worth of lecture before you take necessary steps to make necessary changes?

At every point in our lives, we will always need self-reflection so that we do not lose sight of our goals, or lose focus needed to live on purpose and attain fulfillment in life. And yes, this is me looking back at my journey so far to find wisdom and motivation for the present and then the future.

Go ahead and confront all such weaknesses that are holding you back from your breakthrough. Let your conscience help you grow, God put it in you for a reason!

Laziness is a Sin. Live on Purpose



Have you ever wondered why you’re so good in mathematics? Highly artistic and intuitive? Or so curious and intelligent?

Have you ever wondered why you find it so easy to interact with people and influence them to take decisions meanwhile your close friend is pretty timid and can hardly initiate or hold a conversation?

Have you ever wondered why you detest disorderliness and would rather take the pain to get things organized and well done?

Have you ever wondered why coming up with (legal) money making ideas come so easily to you while your hardworking, intelligent friends struggle at it?

Have you ever wondered why your kidneys and lungs are still functioning properly while someone your age somewhere is on life support?

Have you ever wondered why you’re still alive and not on a sick bed or six feet under?

“There is something only you can give and without it, someone is being disallowed a healing, a laugh, an uplift to a better quality of life.”

– Asha Tyson (How I Retired at 26) Continue reading “Laziness is a Sin. Live on Purpose”



We live in an inconsistent world…

Life is not constant.

Times are always changing; situations are never always the same.

One day, you are comfortable, all is well with you and then another day, you find yourself in a tough situation but then you just can’t give up. You’ve got to keep going, you’ve got to thrive and not just survive.

Some days you wake up strong, healthy and happy, some days you don’t feel so strong, you probably got flu or something and then some days you’re just not emotionally upbeat.  It just happens but you still gotta work, you still gotta make things happen, you can’t stop yet, you just have to keep going.

Maybe take some time to rest and recuperate but you know you’re going back sooner or later to make your own little contribution in the world either by the way of your work or your time.

So whenever you’re making or taking any life decision like marriage, career, and so on, remember to ask yourself some probing questions:

  • Would my love for this remain constant even in the face of life’s unpredictable circumstances?
  • Would I be satisfied and happy with this no matter how rough or tough life gets?

We can never be detailed enough while planning for the future; we can never be too sure.

However, we can take that leap of faith while knowing in our hearts that regardless of what the consequences are, life is full of second chances, and contrary to popular belief, opportunities “hardly come but once”; we can make positive changes and live mindfully, in appreciation of every single circumstance we encounter along the way.




You don’t value what you have.


Everyone sees gold in you except you.

You give excuses to explain why you’re not as great as people think.

You see down-talking yourself as being humble.

You try not to excel beyond the normal.

You don’t enjoy the attention that being excellent brings you because:


you’re scared of becoming proud.

you’re scared of not being able to keep it up.

you don’t think you deserve the commendations.

you think it’s just a flash in the pan.


But you want the success, and every good thing that comes with it;

The money, the love, the recognition and so on

As long as you stay humble and God-fearing.


Well then, you’ve got to decide now!

To have all of these and more, you have to value what you have:

The God-given gifts and abilities you have been blessed with.


Let the world know that God didn’t bless you so that you could throw it all away.

You have been blessed for a purpose;

Find it, Cherish it, Make the best of it.


Stop hiding now, let your inner light shine through and illuminate the world!




We like the beautiful and handsome; the one with all the swag and physical perfection.

We are attracted to the ones with the best diction and accent, the one with the perfect smile, the perfect speech, the perfect ideas and the perfect belongings, properties or acquisitions.

However, in the midst of all that “perfection” lay cast in the shadow the “imperfect ones” longing for love and affection; for a friendly word of hope and encouragement, an uplifting smile or a shoulder to lean on.

We are not even aware of their existence; we pay little or no attention…

  • When was the last time you said hello or smiled randomly at a beggar or a helpless kid you see every day on your way to work?
  • Have you ever stopped to chat with the errand boy or security guy in your work place?
  • Have you ever helped an old man or woman who’s weak and feeble with their bags or baggage on your way out? Do you even notice them?

Most of us in one way or the other are on a quest for perfection: the perfect job, the perfect spouse, the perfect boss, colleague or employee, the perfect friends, the perfect life! And thus we complain when the imperfect happens or is encountered.

We seek perfection in all our endeavors thereby failing to appreciate the little twists and turns that makes our journey more fulfilling and rewarding in the end.


Every day in this world represents a great new opportunity in countless ways: a new business, a new investment, a new positive habit, a new job, a new home, a new idea, a new solution, a new friend…

Amidst the hustle and bustle to make ends meet we do not fail to notice the “perfect ones” among us; the ones with an “extra dose” of blessings that just seem to captivate us all the way.

We fail to recognise and appreciate the fact that life would be lacking greatly in meaning and substance if everyone and everything around us were perfect.

The poor and needy, the neglected kids, the elderly, the physically challenged, the slow learner in your class, the “black sheep” of your workplace or family with all the character flaws in the world- all these and more contribute to the awesomeness of life if only you knew.

The imperfections are God’s way of making us grateful for all that we have and all that we do not have. In the midst of all the imperfection in the world lies our opportunity to show gratitude and to enrich our own lives through reaching out to those in need of our good words and actions.


  • Maybe we were made strong so we can help the weak find their strength.
  • Maybe we are physically able so we can help the physically disabled.
  • Maybe we are rich and successful so we can help the poor and needy live comfortably and probably discover their own path to a great fortune.
  • Maybe we are wise and intelligent so the world can be made a better place by our insights and ideas.

All in all, the lesson to be drawn from this is:

Be it in form of our words or our actions, we all have a favor to do for the man or woman, boy or girl next to us and most times we really shouldn’t wait to be asked before we do it.

We shouldn’t expect to be compensated for doing it.

We shouldn’t expect gratitude either.

We should, however, look up to the One who gave us the wisdom, strength and capability to do all that we have in gratitude and in hope for the grace to do more.

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My Ideal Personality or person is:

  • Calm but agile
  • Fashionable but not vain
  • Smart, Intelligent and/or seeking intelligence
  • Humble but not easily manipulated

Continue reading “MY IDEAL PERSONALITY”