Anniversary Confessions: How I Overcame my “Fear of Writing”


My writing ability remains a miracle to behold: I basically had to pray my way into it. Fear of mediocrity (or yarning dust), perfectionism, over-reliance on self motivation that wasn’t forthcoming and so on held me back like a curse. I would include “write…” in my to-do list everyday and then end up with a blank slate- “nothing to write home about”.

All my adult life I have always had series of notebooks I carry around like a purse. There I write down random to deep thoughts that show up in my mind from time to time. I would question myself, criticize myself, and ginger myself in these notebooks.

However I noticed something… each time I went through such exercise, it was usually accompanied by some kind of serenity or fierce will that previously never existed. It elevated me from mediocrity and momentary bouts of indiscipline to excellence and diligence on several occasions most remarkably while in the university.

I would hold “motivational talks” with myself and sometimes imagine myself speaking to some imaginary audience with me seated in the front row but whenever I tried to articulate them in writing I failed.

English Language turned out to be much more difficult than I thought!

And then one day I summoned courage.

Continue reading “Anniversary Confessions: How I Overcame my “Fear of Writing””



The Future Does Not Exist…

The so called “TOMORROW” never really comes.

We do not wake into TOMORROW, we wake into another day… TODAY.

We expect to sleep and one day, wake into the FUTURE

But NO, the FUTURE is just another day… TODAY. Continue reading “THE FUTURE DOES NOT EXIST!”

THE WEAKNESS(ES) OF MANKIND: A Blessing or a Curse?


“The weaknesses of today lay the foundation for the strengths of tomorrow.”

–  Mind Convos

Sitting here this Friday night with my moments of core weakness being played back in my mind like a movie… a solemn, thought-provoking movie. I had spent the day highly optimistic, unusually aware and overwhelmed by my own “awesomeness” and now as the day is just about retiring to an end… the solemn thoughts arise:

Can humans ever be completely free of weaknesses and character flaws? Continue reading “THE WEAKNESS(ES) OF MANKIND: A Blessing or a Curse?”